What September?
Well, September came and has just about left with a bang! We started the month with the BIG project of putting up a fence around our yard. Unfortunately Garret has no one to help him and limited time, so it should finally be done this weekend. We'll post pictures...I think everyone needs to see Garret's hard work, plus it looks GOOD!
We had our first Delta Company "Roughneck Day" this past weekend for Garret's work and it was a huge success! We had over 200 people at the lake (state park) and everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves (which is huge, no one usually likes going to "mandatory fun" functions on the weekend). You should have seem me at Sam's Club trying to buy all the food and drinks though by myself with Jesse and just my car to load up...THANK GOODNESS the Fett's were coming to visit and timed their drive to meet me in Topeka where Sam's Club is! I must not have been thinking straight when I volunteered to get the food...not even half of it fit in my car! The other half had to go in the Fett's car and Mitch had to help steer the flatbed full of food and drinks in Sam's. I was a walking circus that day, seriously!
The weather is getting cooler every day...I'm not prepared for this winter thing! Our heat has even kicked in a couple nights already...what?!
This is what's new with Jesse:
-he waves (usually, not always still)
-he mimics what we say almost perfectly, intonations and all (don't know if we can count those as first words though)
-he is starting to "walk" back and forth between Garret and I...usually goes 3-5 steps before he crashes into our arms...those don't count as first steps yet...
-got his first bubble bath this month--was literally speechless he was so excited
-balls, drums, and books are his favorite toys
I've been bad about taking pictures this month...enjoy what I did take though. I'll write another update sooner next time, promise.
Tour of our Home
I can NOT figure out how to move the pictures around once they're downloaded, so they're not in the correct order for an actual "tour"...but here's our house anyway!
view from play area downstairs looking at other end
guest room downstairs (off play area)...I'm in the middle of painting
Another guest room downstairs (off of sitting area)...again, painting
storage room (and "safe room" for tornadoes)...off of sitting area downstairs
sitting area downstairs, angle is from where the tv is
Master bedroom (look at my headboard I have to put up still!)
Master bedroom looking into bathroom and closet
downstairs sitting area looking from stairwell
it's HUGE downstairs!
play area on other end of downstairs (garret wants to put a bar here eventually)
Front view

Magic Carpet Ride
Daddy always gets Jesse all hyped up before bedtime if he makes it home in time...oh well, at least they have fun together! (you can hear him laughing real hard if you listen carefully over my loud mouth!)
Jesse turns ONE!

Jesse turned ONE a few weeks ago and we celebrated in style like pirates! We had a small crowd, which was perfect...Anderson's (pre-babies), Miskowski's, and Swanson's (as in Theresa, not Jess). Jesse LOVED his cake this time and was in heaven with all his new loot. The new toys still keep him occupied for hours, even after the "new-ness" wore off.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes Jesse got in the mail and over the phone!
Daddy helping Jesse enjoy the cake.
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