Happy Halloween!
We had a jam packed Halloween weekend. We kicked things off with finally carving our pumpkins and enjoying a festive popcorn ball from our neighbor. As you can see, Jesse loved the popcorn ball more than carving.

Pumpkin Patch

Went to the Pumpkin Patch today, just me and my Little Man! He, however, was not so into the pumpkins...he was more interested in petting the piggies, eating cookies, and swinging on a tire. At one point, he threw his little pumpkin down and said "No like it". We got the pumpkin anyway and I'm pretty sure he'll like it when we put a face on it.
Reading Rainbow
He loves "reading" and I was able to sneak up on him a few weeks ago. If you know the books and listen carefully, he's actually saying words that are in the book...so funny the things they do sometimes!
How far?

How far will I go to get my grumpy kid to the table so he can eat his standard 2 hot dog dinner?
Last night Jesse's doggies has to join us, they even got their own plate of pretend pizza eventually too :)
I have a feeling this is only the beginning of bribing and dinner.
Whatever....it worked, right?!
Professional Ball Player?
The jury's still out on that! We need a bit more practice to say the least. Thanks Billy for our t-ball set, we love it!
Jesse turns 2!
He was SO excited about his puzzles (even if he doesn't look it!).
Jesse with his hard hat on.
Dirt Cake
Me and my Little Man
Chatting with Daddy

I'm still in shock that I have a 2 year old and I'm a Mommy...wth?!
To celebrate the occasion we had a bulldozer themed birthday party with a few friends. Garret even attended via web cam for the cake and present opening! A good time was had by all and the only toys Jesse has played with all week are his new ones. As a matter of fact, he actually wakes up in the morning and after nap saying "doy doy" (translation--"get me to my toys asap!")
To celebrate the occasion we had a bulldozer themed birthday party with a few friends. Garret even attended via web cam for the cake and present opening! A good time was had by all and the only toys Jesse has played with all week are his new ones. As a matter of fact, he actually wakes up in the morning and after nap saying "doy doy" (translation--"get me to my toys asap!")
Heat Wave
County Fair
Petting a Bunny
Best Buds petting a goat
More goat lovin' with Josiah

Jesse's first County Fair was a HUGE success. We literally spent 2 hours in the livestock barns. His favorites were pigs and cows, of course, but loved petting anything that would let him. Had his first funnel cake and corndog too...he couldn't eat those fast enough!
I didn't get much video because it was just too fun experiencing it all with Jesse...but below you will find my only video from the fair, as lame as it is.
Farmin' Fett's

Oh yes. That really is me in a teeny-bopper Edward t-shirt with a cup that cost me $6 at the movie theater on opening day of Eclipse. And, yup, I bought my ticket a month ago. And did I mention we were an hour early and the first ones in the theater?! I think I have earned the title "Twi-mom" today.
I heart Edward.
A$, we had a moment of silence for you since you couldn't come.

Jesse and I are FINALLY on the upside of things here in Kansas and getting into our own groove. I've got the hang of this single mom stuff now too.
We webcam all the time with Garret and every time Garret is amazed at all the new things Jesse is doing. I guess I don,t realize how much is new since I'm with him all the time. His speech is just exploding right now. Here is what Jesse can clearly say now: no, cracker, nite nite, wet, knees, ok, boat, sit, stay, berry, cake, cow, dog, puppy, bye, hi, book, diaper, boobie (yes, that's spelled right!), bra, shoe, boo boo, booty, hair, nose, eyes, mouth, juice, eat, more, all gone, cow, horse, woof, cat, hot, cold, car, bubble, outside, inside, cheese, truck, tractor, fly (as in the insect), apple, pants, shirt, bird, fish, poop, pee pee, potty, help, phone, hot dog, cake, cookie. Here is what he thinks he's saying or has another word for: socks, downstairs, teeth, back (as in put away), bull dozer, buckle, monkey, George (as in the Curious one), air plane, helicopter, motorcycle, slide, balloon, flower, toes, foot, milk, light, dinosaur, snack. Wow, right?! It's no wonder I'm so exhausted at night, my full time job is now translating!
Jesse is quite an outdoors man and "helps" me in our garden and picking up dog poop. He is more aware of the dogs now too, which they don't seem to care for actually...but they sure like him when he's eating though. His big obsessions right now are cars, dinosaurs, and books. I don't put cartoons on much, but he sure loves to watch anything with singing and dancing...I can usually count on him to watch some of So You Think You Can Dance with me the next day.
I'm catching up on things, look for more pictures and a few videos by the end of the week hopefully!
North Carolina
April has had many ups and downs for the Fett's both in Kansas and Iraq...but we're holding on stong and got thru another month of this deployment! Here are some of our "highs" of April.
Jesse loves to color at the table now.
He built this tower all by himself.
Tulip Fest
The Fett grandparents came to Kansas (I put in an SOS call!) for a long weekend. It was nice to have company and help with things. The weather was great and on Saturday we ventured out to the bustling metropolis Wamego for their annual Tulip Festival. Jesse had a blast with all the fun things to do.
Petting Zoo with Grandma
Hoppy Easter!
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