
North Carolina

Jesse and I flew into North Carolina for our good friends Josh and Jamie's wedding! All 4 doting grandparents were there too, so Jesse was in all his glory!

For some reason I'm having trouble uploading the other pictures, so there's more on the way if I can get it to work!



April has had many ups and downs for the Fett's both in Kansas and Iraq...but we're holding on stong and got thru another month of this deployment! Here are some of our "highs" of April.

Jesse loves to color at the table now.
He built this tower all by himself.

The only way to keep him happy when I'm getting ready now is for him to have his own make-up to put on...sorry Daddy!
I just love this series of videos...he's really showing an interest in his showmanship these days!


If Sadie and Diva are lucky enough to walk with Jesse and I, this is how we roll.
No ifs, ands, or buts about it...Jesse insists on "walking" Sadie.